B1 HPLC Vials/Caps & Septa
Autosampler VialsView more
4ml Vials
◆ 4ml Vials 13-425 Screw Thread Vials ...10ml & 20ml Round btm Headspace screwtop
◆ Specifications Model No. Size Description ...12ml Autosampler Vials
◆ 12ml_Autosampler Vials The storage samples are used to store ...8ml Autosampler Vials
◆ 8ml Autosampler Vials the chemical solvent, variety drugs, cosmetics, ...
Caps & SeptaView more
◆ Specifications SC22A22BSC22A22Dnature PTFE ...Nature PTFE/nature Silicone setpa-SC22A22C
◆ Specifications SC22A22BSC22A22Dnature PTFE ...Nature PTFE/nature Silicone Septa-SC22A22B
◆ Specifications SC22A22BSC22A22Dnature PTFE ...Nature PTFE/nature Silicone Septa-SC22A22A
◆ Specifications SC22A22BSC22A22Dnature PTFE ...